Biljetter till: Elfsborgsmarschen 2025


Elfsborgsmarschen – 40+40 km over two days. A true soldier's test. Challenge yourself with the classic march that prepares you for Nijmegen, or walk one day, 20 km or 40 km, with or without a backpack. Welcome to a beautiful marching experience around Gothenburg!

  • 2-days civilian or military march
  • 20km or 40km
  • Food & lodging
  • Sightseeing around Gothenburg
  • Soldiers test
  • Perfect preparation for Nijmegen

Good to know

  • Goodiebag for the first 50 to sign-up
  • Daily lottery for all participants with fantastic prices
  • Part of the surplus will be donated to VRR

Soldiers test

  • Gör soldatprovet på Elfsborgsmarschen
  • Minimum 10kg ruck (excl. food and water)
  • Stay active for at least 6 hours 
  • More information below


Elfborgsmarschen 2025
Lexbyvägen 69, 433 31 Partille, Gothenburg
14-15 June, 2025
Partille Hemvärnsförening




Här hittar du all information och material du behöver, antingen för nedladdning eller direkt online. Läs gärna igenom dokumenten för att vara väl förberedd inför evenemanget.

Information sheet (Swedish)
Downloadable guide for the event (PDF), including packing lists, schedules, accommodation details, and more.
Information sheet (English)
Downloadable guide for the event (PDF), including packing lists, schedules, accommodation details, and more.
Köpvillkor (Svenska och Engelska)
The organizer's terms of purchase, which you agree to when purchasing a ticket. Both Swedish and English in the same file.
Follow Elfsborgsmarchen on Facebook
Stay updated with the latest news and feel free to share your preparations and experiences.


What is the difference between the 20 km and 40 km options?

40 km route takes you through the city of Gothenburg, mainly on asphalt. 

  • Manned checkpoints at 15km and 30km
  • Proper preparation necessary to manage the strain this route has on you.

20 km route takes you through a more scenic landscape in the forests around Gothenburg.

  • Unmanned checkpoints with water 
  • Make sure you carry everything you need for the entire distance.
What is the day schedule?


  • 17:00: Check-in opens for early arrivals
  • 18:00: Dinner (can be reheated for late arrivals)
  • 22:00: Lights out.


  • 06:00: Breakfast (until about 07:00), check-in opens.
  • 07:00: 40 km briefing and start.
  • 09:00: 20 km briefing and start
  • 18:00: March closes - Dinner is served.


  • 06:00: Breakfast (until about 07:00), check-in opens
  • 07:00: 40 km briefing and start.
  • 09:00: 20 km briefing and start.
  • 18:00: March is over and clean-up starts.
How does accommodation work?

Sleeping accommodations are in open dormitories or barracks.

Quiet hours after 22:00.

Lights out at 22:00 on Friday and Saturday; please be considerate of others by keeping noise levels low and taking calls away from the sleeping areas. On Sunday, the dormitories close at 21:00 for cleaning.

Recommended Equipment

  • Sleeping pad: We have a limited number of NATO beds. Bring equipment to ensure you can sleep comfortably on the floor.
  • Sleeping bag: We do not provide blankets or sheets.
  • PillowBring your own pillow.
  • Earplugs: For better sleep in a shared dormitory.

Shower and hygiene

Showers are available, but bring your own towel, soap, and shampoo. 

Is the event timed?

No. We do not time individual participants.

Military marching pace

The march is planned according to the standard military pace, which means 50 minutes of marching followed by a 10-minute rest. After three rounds, you take a one-hour break. 

March planning

It should take 10 hours to complete 40 km if you maintain a pace of 10 minutes per kilometer. Checkpoints are positioned accordingly, at 15 km and 30 km. If you keep the pace, you should finish the march by 18:00.

Can I run?

Yes, it is allowed to run throughout the entire march.

However, keep in mind that the march is planned based on the military marching pace. This means that checkpoints may not be open if you reach them before the recommended pace.

Can I bring by dog?

Yes, However, please be considerate of other participants who may have allergies or prefer not to be near dogs.

Self-reliant medical care: Please note that we do not have any specific medical equipment or training for dogs or other animals. Bring whatever you might need yourself.

Alternative sleeping arrangements: Participants with animals will be placed in a designated section of the dormitory, located closer to the organizers' workspace. Please note that this area may have more activity and noise.

What food is served?

Breakfast: Buffet with eggs, muesli, yogurt, coffee/tea, and sandwiches with various toppings.

Lunch: Simple snacks are served at the checkpoints (40 km route only). Bring your own food if you need more.

Dinner: Energy-rich meals, such as hamburgers or beef stroganoff with pasta. A non-alcoholic drink is included.

Allergies and special dietary requirements: Currently, we do not serve special dietary options. However, we can assist you in storing your own food in a refrigerator or similar facilities. 

Do you provide maps?

Digital map (free): Before the event starts, you will receive an email with a digital map. We usually send it in GPX format, which is compatible with most equipment on the market. 

Printed map (purchased separately): At ticket purchase, you can choose to purchase a printed map on high-quality paper. One map is provided per team, so if you register multiple participants, you will receive one map together. Email us before the event or speak with us on-site if you would like additional maps.

Can I march in my uniform?

Swedish uniform

All Swedish military uniforms are welcome during the march, whether you belong to the Army, Navy, or Air Force. However, ensure that you have permission from your commanding officer to participate in uniform. 

Foreign uniforms

We encourage participants from other countries to proudly represent their service by wearing their uniform. Just make sure you have permission from your commanding officer to wear your country's uniform during the march.
Who Receives Which Medal?

Participants who complete both days (regardless of the march distance) will receive the Elfsborgsmarschen medal. 

  • Bronze: 1-4 marches
  • Silver: 5-9 marches
  • Gold: 10+ marches

Solders trial pin

Swedish active military personnel who complete the Soldier’s Test during the march are also eligible for the Soldier’s Test pin, provided they meet the Swedish Armed Forces' requirements.

How Does the Soldier’s Test Work as Part of Elfsborgsmarchen?

We register and distribute the Soldier’s Test certificate/pin to all Swedish military personnel who complete the march and meet the Swedish Armed Forces' requirements.


  • March at least 6 hours in one day.
  • Follow standard pacing, 50 minutes march followed by 10 minutes rest.
  • Carry a backpack weighing at least 10 kg (excluding water and food). Weigh-ins will be conducted at the start, checkpoints, and finish line.
  • Carry the assigned equipment, such as a first aid kit, in accordance with military regulations.

Common mistakes

  • Be mindful of what you remove from your backpack during the march. The day might start sunny and end with rain, meaning you could take out rain gear and reduce the weight below the allowed level.
  • Weigh-ins will be conducted at checkpoints and the finish line. Ensure that your backpack still meets the weight requirement of 10 kg.

Special note to foreign soldiers

  • You can participate, but we follow the guidelines for the Swedish Soldier’s Test. If your country has different requirements, contact us, and we will do our best to accommodate your needs.
  • Let us know if you need documentation or a signature for your Soldier’s Test.
What should I pack?
  • Spare socks: Change regularly to avoid blisters.
  • Rain clothes: The weather in Gothenburg is unpredictable.
  • Battery: To charge your phone, especially if you're using GPS or for emergencies.
  • Water: Remember to stay well-hydrated! 
  • Snacks: Bring something to keep your energy and spirits up.
  • Earplugs: There will be long stretches near roads on the 40 km route.
  • Underwear: To change into dry ones and avoid chafing.


Elfsborgsmarchen is organized by Partille Hemvärn, a local unit of the Swedish Home Guard (Hemvärnet).

Hemvärnet plays a crucial role in Sweden’s national defense, providing rapid response and protection in times of crisis. Its members are volunteer soldiers, trained and equipped to handle a wide range of tasks, from military operations to civil defense support.

Our goal is to create a challenging yet enjoyable experience for all participants, combining military-style endurance with a welcoming atmosphere. Whether you’re a seasoned marcher or taking on the challenge for the first time, join us and test your endurance in an event where military marching tradition meets community!


If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to us at


March general


Strategic advisor


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